
A sharp knife is a safe knife! Sounds weird, doesn't it? Let's explain ourselves. The blunt blade of each knife forces the user to apply additional pressure. With the unpleasant advantage, there is a greater risk of slipping, which can lead to injuries. Most injuries are caused by blades that are not properly maintained. Follow the instructions below to get everything done.


Sharpening knives can be divided into two different phases. Grinding removes metal to grind the corner of the grinding wheel. And keep more for the shed for a better shot. The opening is also known as steel, a method that uses a foldable steel bar that moves the edge of the blade. Mild steel is best used to hold the blade. In order to properly assemble the knife with sharp steel or sharpen the handle, you tucked the handle behind the steel base with your fingers. Hold the stick in one hand and the knife in the other and set the blade to 20 degrees. Take the long lines on the heel of the blade at the bottom of the steel and push the steel into the cut to move. 

The steel should stay firmly in place as the blade bends. Repeat these steps alternately with the blade at the bottom of the steel strip to reach the other side of the blade. Always remember to remove the blade yourself to reduce the risk of injury. Sharpening should be done just before or immediately after using the knife and can be part of your daily life to extend the life of the knife. For a knife that requires more attention than smoothing, it should be sharpened, or sharpened with a stone or a top-rated knife grinder. This process is known as grinding. Grinding occurs when the abrasive material removes worn parts from the grinding wheel, leaving new material on the surface. 

Oftentimes, a grinder or grinder is used to complete the grinding process. The stone has two grinding sides, mesh and fine. The stone is soaked in slippery water. The blade is then placed at a 20-degree angle, pressing the heel of the blade against the stone and pusher before sharpening the blade from bottom to top. Turn the thin stone on its rough side several times and repeat the process. The trick is to use wet stones to trap moisture. This helps remove dirt without blocking the dirt.

Modern frame for white fur

Electric and hand knives are modern tools for pricking knives. Electric sharpening has abrasives on the motorized wheels that spin towards the wheel as you insert it from the underside of the blade and slowly pull it up. Hand knives are V-shaped chambers in which the user repeatedly pulls the knife from the bottom up. The shape of the chamber allows the abrasive to be pressed onto both sides of the blade.

Using a range of techniques from soft steel to sharp stones, there are enthusiasts of all skill levels. Professional cutting services are available if you are feeling wrong. This allows you to cut very colorless knives to be professionally sharpened. The combination of milling and cultivation techniques gives the best result for continuous daily maintenance.

A tool that won't sharpen your knife

If you watch cooking competitions, you will see a professional competitor or chef learning their knives using the steel tools above. If you have a large knife or knife block, you may even have one of these steels.

Do you know what this tool is? Sharp knives, right? But here you are wrong: despite the letters, this tool certainly does not sharpen steel.

Honing vs Sharpening

A tool that is compatible with many steel mills is the steel mill. What is the difference between honing and sharpening?

To differentiate yourself, you first need to know why and how boring knives are. If the blade is dull, the sharp edge will disappear, and/or the blade will not be straight. Although the blade is still sharp, it means food is not cut properly when cut properly.

How can we restore a sharp edge and line? Grinding and grinding takes place here:

Grinding: The grinding steel pushes the edge of the knife to the center and straightens it. This straightens the cut without removing the material from the blade. The tip does not sharpen the blade, but if done correctly it will be sharper because the blade is now in the correct position. Sanding should be done regularly - some before each use.

Sandblasting: Sandblasting, on the other hand, involves sandblasting and shaving wheel parts to get a new sharp edge. This can be done with a stone crusher, grinder, or electric grinder. Sharpening can be done less often than sharpening - depending on the type of knife, only a few times a year.

This way you know if your knife is sharp

To cut, play, and cut safely and reliably, you need to know if your knife is dull and needs care. My favorite method of finding out if a knife is sharp is to cut the tomato - because a sharp knife can easily cut through sticky skin and tender flesh - but there is another way to try cutting a piece of paper that is holding it back. air.

Honing and sharpening knives

Should the knife be sharp or sharp? Here are some tips and links on how to show it. At first, it might seem weird and weird, but after pushing it away you sharpen the knife like a blessing you see on culinary television.

And if cutting a knife is a really difficult task, don't be ashamed to leave it to a professional.

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