13 Flowering plants that can be grown during the summer season


Flowers are one of God's most magnificent creations, capable of attracting the attention of everyone in their immediate vicinity. They are an awesome component of mother nature that brings joy, happiness, and positivity into people's lives. Every season is marked by the arrival of their signature flowers. Aren't you excited to learn about the best flowers to grow during the summer season now that spring has arrived and the weather is slowly turning to summer? To help you answer this question, we've compiled a list of summer flowering plants you can bring home or send flowers online to dear ones as a gift. 

1. Lilies-

The graceful lilies can withstand harsh weather conditions with ease. The flower has a special way of avoiding excessive moisture loss by allowing its leaves to dry out while keeping the flower's main bulb intact.

2. Blanket Flower-

The blanket flower, also known as the gaillardia, is a perennial flower that thrives in hot, dry climates with poor soil. It has a 3-inch width and a short life span and is available in red, gold, or brown.

3. Daisy-

The flower has yellow to orange petals with a deep brown to black middle and is commonly known as Black-Eyed Susan. Gloriosa Daisy can reach a height of 3.5 feet and thrives in hot climates.

4. Musk Rose-

With a blooming season in May, it's easy to find in India. When fully bloomed, the flower changes color from purple-brown to dark red, with an outstanding fragrance and appearance.

5. Marigold-

They're meant to brighten up any garden with color and fragrance. It has been used in religious and medicinal settings, with colors varying from light yellow to a golden brown. The extract from the flower is also used as a food coloring agent and aids in pest control.

6. Musk rose-

This is a flower that is thought to increase people's feelings of love and romance. It is also readily available during the summer months. The flowers will continue to bloom throughout the season with a little care and attention.

7. Bougainvillea -

They look like an ornamental vine that can cover the entire fence, sidewalks, and other surrounding areas. Bougainvillea is a Brazilian native that thrives in hot weather. It grows quickly, but be careful of its sharp thorns, which should be handled with caution.

8. Dahlia-

It can comfortably sprawl over your garden due to its ability to withstand high summer temperatures. Stop over watering the plant because it will undermine the plant's support from the soil.

9. Beardtongue-

The semi-cone, partly tube-shaped flower, also known as beard tongues or snapdragon, is a great summer flowering plant. They grow in large groups, but they need a lot of space to avoid crowding.

10. Pineapple lilies-

It is a member of the Asparagus family that thrives in warm climates. It's a good indoor houseplant because it's easy to grow in a flowerpot and only grows to around 12-15 inches tall.

11. Lotus-

The lotus is a popular water plant that is also India's national flower. The bright pink and white hues of the flower b add elegance to your garden.

12. Lavender-

Lavender thrives in hot climates, making it an ideal plant for summer. This flowering plant can be grown near your patio or windows to provide a fragrant and beautiful display for your home.

13. Pansy-

They're a great summer flowering plant that needs to be replanted every year. Because of their charming beauty, you may use these pansies as containers, borders, and ground covers. Pansies are available in colors like yellow, purple, and white. This bright look will brighten anyone's day!

In this summer season, you can grow these refreshing flowering plants in your garden or balcony with minimal care guidelines. You can get these plants from a local nursery or order them online. These flowering plants can boost air quality while still providing a breathtaking view. So, get ready because it's time to refresh your home in the sunny, humid climate with a nice aroma all around.