How To Boost Your Fundraising Goals and Charity Events


Establishing clear and attainable goals is key to successful fundraising and charity events. Whether or not it’s your first time, it’s important to define a set of smart objectives as it makes it easier to design your fundraiser. 

Each of your ideas for charity fundraising goals can influence how you engage with your supporters. From a language-conveying standpoint, the way you communicate with your repeat donors can change if your intention is to secure gifts. After you’ve defined and set your fundraising goals, outline the necessary steps to acquire them.

As you read along, you’ll know what these goals are and how you measure them in order to achieve success for your fundraising event.

Increase Brand Awareness

Fundraising campaigns aim to raise money, so you may want your campaign to zero in when it comes to increasing brand awareness. Centre your efforts to increase engagement, boost reach and spread awareness about your cause. Doing so can bring in new people who may become your potential donors in the future.

Share a word about your campaign through different social media platforms. Afterwards, start evaluating your reach and engagement via the number of comments, shares, likes and retweets of your posts. 

Checking the number of new emails you received through your homepage is also another way to gauge this goal. You can also track the growing appeal and engagement in your organisation through the number of people who signed up for your newsletter or updates. 

Set a Realistic Target Amount to be Raised

Raising money is the main goal for both individuals and organisations when doing a fundraising event. All other goals are essential, but because the focus of fundraising is to raise funds, this certain goal should be specific and realistic to your fundraiser. 

For example, break down the estimated costs to determine the amount you need if you wish to create a fundraiser to obtain funds for surgery. Likewise, if you are a nonprofit organisation that wants to do fundraising, make use of past fundraisers to assess an amount you want to raise.  

Obtain New Continuing Donors 

One of the most essential initiatives for fundraising is your recurring donation program. Your monthly repeating donations help increase donor donations on average per year, enhance donor retention rates and build a consistent revenue stream year-round. This is ideally strategic for future campaigns to obtain new continuing donors. 

In order to assess the progress of this goal, you need to determine how many recurring donors you have. Out of these donors, how many of them donate on a monthly basis? Afterwards, think about how you can expand this segment. One way is to grow your number by converting one-time donors to monthly patrons. Your yearly donor may have donated to your organisation several times; however, they are considered a new recurring donor once they opt to give monthly. 

Build Community Connections 

This is a less apparent goal—strengthening ties with your existing community. Developing a set of connections and objectives between your community and fundraiser is also a strategic move. Look for ways that can draw people into your cause. You will certainly have a dedicated number of supporters if you make them feel they are part of your goals. 

Expand Your Email List 

This goal is relevant if you own a nonprofit organisation or a company doing fundraising to increase corporate donating initiatives. Set your fundraising objective as a way to grow your email list. You can then use these emails later to reconnect with your supporters. 

Grow Gifts Through Various Channels 

Getting a certain number of gifts through the entire campaign is a basic yet important campaign goal. Consider maximising the number of gifts received through different channels rather than focusing on just the overall donation amount. This objective can help bolster every communication channel as a pathway to get donations. 

Keep track of your progress by assessing the average amount of gifts that enter through different channels. From there, start creating a custom donation form so it’s easy to track how many gifts you get. Your social media invites, newsletters, email attracts and website donate button can also be linked to a separate form for donation. 

Drive Influence Regarding Public Opinion 

A bigger priority more than raising funds for some nonprofits is about bringing policy change. Hence, you need to exert influence on public opinion to work on policy changes with your lawmakers at all office levels. 

The following organisations seek to influence public opinion: 

  • Environmental protection organisations
  • Animal rights organisations 
  • Human rights organisations
  • Healthcare organisations 
  • Foreign affairs, international and national security 
  • Political groups. 

To create an impact on public opinion, your strategies for marketing should be multi-level. It must be pointed only to the legislators and directed toward the press and the public. These groups can bring your campaign and story to a bigger audience. 

The press covers whenever the public comes up. When both the media and the public work toward the same objective, decision-makers and political leaders take heed.   

Become Acquainted With Your Donors 

Getting to know your donors is by far the best strategy to entice them successfully. When it comes to organisation relationships, more supporters and promoters today are anticipating a personalised approach. They dislike seeing similar messages over and over again. 

Getting acquainted with your supporters should be one of your goals, considering that they are the ones investing money in your cause. They would want it too. They probably want you to present your cause in a compelling way. Thanks to the existence of donor management software, taking an individualised approach to your donors is now easier. 

Amplify Your Social Media Strategy for Fundraising 

Globally, a total of 4.20 billion social media users are active worldwide, and on average, 2 million individuals are joining every day. Now, if you’re not incorporating social media appeals into your fundraising scheme, you may be leaving money on the table. Social networking sites are great areas to determine potential donors and interact with them. 

There are various social media sites that can help you with your fundraising appeals. Every site has distinct features and capabilities, letting you convey your message in unique ways across the community. 


Whether it’s your first time or you’re a veteran when it comes to holding fundraising and charity events, these tips will surely bring you to a path of success. Excellent marketing and promotion is worth your investment and time, but careful planning is also key.

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