Submit Guest Post Fitness Category Accepting On User Demand


It's quite easy to make a post on our website. Pay the Guest Post Fee, and we'll send you the article via the form to use. Yes, you must pay the guest charge before your post is published. We don't approve outlines, subjects, or anything else ahead of time. We receive 50-80 Submit Guest Post Fitness entries per week.

Advertisements: Do not write an article about your product or service as a kind of advertisement. That is a commercial, and it will be rejected. Write the topic to provide readers with information on a certain area of interest. Submit your article for review here: Use the form above to submit your piece, and double-check that it complies with our Submit Guest Post Fitness guidelines.

Our guest blogging service and our Submit Guest Post Fitness overall cater to only certain specific categories:

  • Weightlifting, bodybuilding, CrossFit, fitness equipment, fitness clothing, and so forth. 
  • Running: technique, equipment, local races, and so on.
  • Diets and Meal Plans dietary advice, meal plans, recipes, and books, among other things. There are no weight-loss supplements approved.
  • Flows, styles, practice recommendations, and other aspects of yoga
  • Gymnastics, Animal Flow, Ido Portal, and other bodyweight exercises
  • M|WOD, Corrective Exercise, and other mobility and stretching exercises
  • Physical Therapy and Treatment Techniques: Tennis elbow treatment, Ober's Technique, Q/L Stretches, and so on.

Image Guidelines for Submit Guest Post Fitness

  • 1 image at a resolution of 1200 x 628 pixels (Facebook size).
  • One 1200 x 1200-pixel square image (Instagram)
  • Only original photographs taken or created by you (no stock photography permitted.)

Content Requirements for Submit Guest Post Fitness

  • A properly scoped project requires at least a thousand words.
  • You must include a powerful object in your article (video, podcast, infographic, spreadsheet, etc.)
  • Check your text for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Use a tool like Yoast or Seo Review Tools to optimize the page and provide the Longtail Keyword.
  • All content must be unique to Sand & Steel and may only be published on the company's website.

Contact at for sending your content.