Angular Interview Questions And Answers


Q: What is Angular Framework?

Angular may be a TypeScript-based open-source front-end platform that creates it easy to create applications within web/mobile/desktop. the main features of this framework like declarative templates, dependency injection, end to finish tooling, and lots of more other features are wont to ease the event.

Q: Why were client-side frameworks like Angular introduced?

Back within the day, web developers used VanillaJS and jQuery to develop dynamic websites but, because the logic of one's website grew, the code became more and more tedious to take care of. For applications that use complex logic, developers had to place extra effort to take care of the separation of concerns for the app. Also, jQuery didn't provide facilities for data handling across views.

For tackling the above problems, client-side frameworks like Angular came into the image, which made life easier for the developers by handling separation of concerns and dividing code into smaller bits of data (In the case of Angular, called Components).

Client-side frameworks permit one to develop advanced web applications such as Single-Page-Application. Not that we cannot develop SPAs using VanillaJS, but by doing so, the event process becomes slower.

Q: What are a number of the benefits of Angular over other frameworks?

Features that are provided out of the box - Angular provides a variety of built-in features like, routing, state management, rxjs library, and HTTP services straight out of the box. this suggests that one doesn't need to look for the above-stated features separately. they're all provided with angular.

Declarative UI  Angular may use HTML to render the UI of an application. HTML is a declarative language and is far easier to use than JavaScript.

Long-term Google support - Google declared  Long-term support for Angular. this suggests that Google plans to stay with Angular and further proportion its ecosystem.

Q: List out differences between AngularJS and Angular


AngularJS uses MVC or Model-View-Controller architecture, where the Model carries the business logic, Controller processes information and consider shows the information present within the Model.

Angular replaces controllers with Components. Components are nothing but they are directives with a predefined template.


AngularJS uses JavaScript language, which may be a dynamically typed language.

Angular uses TypeScript language, which may be a statically typed language and maybe a superset of JavaScript. By using statically typed language, Angular gives better performance while developing larger applications.

Mobile Support

AngularJS doesn't provide mobile support.

Angular is supported by all popular mobile browsers.


While developing larger applications, the method of maintaining code becom

es tedious within the case of AngularJS

In the case of Angular, it's easier to take care of code for larger applications because it provides a far better structure.

Expression Syntax

While developing an AngularJS application, a developer must remember the right ng-directive for binding an occasion or a property. Whereas in Angular, property binding is completed using the "[ ]" attribute, and event binding is completed using the "( )" attribute.

Q: What's TypeScript?

TypeScript may be a typed superset of JavaScript created by Microsoft that adds optional types, classes, async/await, and lots of other features, and compiles to plain JavaScript. Angular built totally in TypeScript and used as a primary language. you'll install it globally as

npm install -g typescript

Q: Can we make an angular application to render on the server-side?

Answer: Yes, with Angular Universal, a technology provided by Angular capable of rendering applications on the server end.

The benefits of using Angular Universal are:

Better User Experience: Allows users to ascertain the view of the appliance instantly.

Better SEO: Universal ensures that the content is out there on every program resulting in better SEO.

Loads Faster: Render pages are available to the browsers sooner, therefore the server-side application loads faster.

Q: Describe the MVVM architecture.

MVVM architecture deletes tight coupling between each component. The MVVM architecture comprises of three parts:

  • Model
  • View
  • ViewModel

The architecture allows the youngsters to possess reference through observables and indirectly to their parents.

Model: It represents the info and therefore the business logic of an application, or we may say it contains the structure of an entity. It may consist of the business logic - local and remote data resource, model classes, repository.

View: View may be a visual layer of the appliance, then consists of the UI Code(in Angular- HTML template of a component.). It sends the user action to the ViewModel but doesn't get the response back directly. it's to subscribe to the observables which ViewModel exposes thereto to urge the response.

View Model: it's an abstract layer of the appliance and acts as a bridge between the View and Model(business logic). It doesn't have any clue which View has got to use it because it doesn't have immediate regard to the View. View and ViewModel are connected with data-binding so, any change within the View the ViewModel takes note and changes the info inside the Model. It interacts with the Model and exposes the observable which will be observed by the View.

Q: What is data binding? which sort of knowledge binding does Angular deploy?

Data binding may be a phenomenon that permits any internet user to control website elements employing a browser. It uses dynamic HTML and doesn't require complex scripting or programming. We use data binding in sites that contain interactive components like forms, calculators, tutorials, and games. The incremental display of a webpage makes data binding convenient when pages have a huge amount of knowledge

.Angular uses two-way binding. Any changes made to the interface are reflected within the corresponding model state. Conversely, any changes within the model state are reflected within the UI state. this enables the framework to attach the DOM to the Model data via the controller. However, this approach affects performance since every change within the DOM has got to be tracked.

Q: What are some disadvantages of using Angular?

Although Angular provides quite a lot of advantages, there are some disadvantages of using it also. they're as follows:

Getting good SEO results on an Angular application is often a touch difficult and should need a touch of configuration.

Angular features a lot of features packed into it, so going to know each of them and learning the way to use them effectively together are often a touch difficult.

Angular can add quite a lot of weight to your JavaScript bundle, so using it for smaller projects are often very inefficient and should significantly increase the load size.

Q: What is an AOT compilation in Angular?

The Ahead-of-Time compiler in Angular changesĀ  Angular HTML and TypeScript code into JavaScript code during the build phase, which makes the rendering process much faster. This compilation process is required since Angular uses TypeScript and HTML code. The compiler converts the code into JavaScript, which may then be effectively employed by the browser that runs our application.

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